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Muletown - "Mother Nature" Commercial

This past month has been cold and a little dreary here in Nashville, Tennessee. There’s no getting around it: we’re firmly in winter’s grasp. We certainly find ourselves wishing we could hop over to a place with better weather…or at least, think back on the great times we had in better weather.

We filmed this Muletown Coffee commercial in Montana showing off their steeped packs that are great for making coffee wherever you may be. Montana is known for its gorgeous scenery and breathtaking views - so we thought, why not use a family camping trip as a way to show off the portability of Muletown Coffee Steeped Packs?

We spent the day with the Coyne family playing in the river, fishing, and just taking time to slow down a bit. One of the highlights was getting to chat around a fire, set in front of a truly majestic sunset painted across the mountains. For a lot of people, grabbing a cup of coffee means getting a jolt of energy to run around and do all sorts of stuff; for us, we like to savor it, and enjoy the moment.

So give our Muletown Coffee commercial a look and tell us what you think. Does it make you wish spring would hurry on up and be here already?


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